#YSJ10DoT Gamification

Welcome to the #YSJ10DoT game

The #YSJ10DoT game is back for 2018! As you complete the activities throughout 10 Days of Twitter you will earn points, and what do points make…!?516IT6UkaaL._SX399_BO1,204,203,200_

The 10 Days of Twitter Leaderboard is based on the hashtag #YSJ10DoT. Join the leaderboard by tweeting using the hashtag: #YSJ10DoT. Gain leaderboard points by Tweeting with the hashtag, chatting about the course to friends/colleagues and being retweeted.

Tweets are worth 1 point, Mentions worth 2 points, and Retweets are worth 3 points.

New for 2018 – earn bonus points for Followers & Following (up to a max of 50 each)!

Tweet your activities & questions and let us know how it is going!


The member of YSJ Staff with the highest score at the end of the 10 Days of Twitter will win a copy of Social Media for Academics by Mark Carrigan.

The game is just for fun 🙂 The game team reserve the right to change the weightings of the scored elements in order to keep things interesting. The leaderboard will be updated daily throughout the 10 days (it is not live, in order to let you get on with participating in the course rather than checking the leaderboard every 5 minutes!). Any questions on the game to @PhilVincent.

#YSJ10DoT 2018 Open Badge

Ten Days of Twitter participants have the option to earn an open badge to recognise their achievement. Open Badges are a new online standard for recognising and verifying learning – we like to think of them as Cubs, Scouts, or Brownies badges for the digital age ☺. Individuals can earn badges for the things they learn, both online and offline, and then display them in their Open Badge Passport, or on their website, ePortfolio or social media profiles.

The #YSJ10D0T 2018 badge will be awarded for accomplishing a set of tasks over the course of the ten days. After we’ve verified that you’ve met the criteria, we will issue your badge.

To earn the #YSJ10DoT 2018 badge, participants will have:

  • set up their profile
  • sent at least five tweets, one of which must be: Joining in #YSJ10DoT with @YSJTEL
  • followed at least 10 people
  • sent at least 3 retweets
  • sent at least 2 @messages
  • sent a tweet including media (e.g. an image, gif, poll, hyperlink)
  • used a hashtag to contribute to a conversation


Displaying your badges

An Open Badge Passport is an easy and free way to display your earned credit, and to publicise your badges on social media. If you don’t already have a Passport, why not set one up now? We will send you an email when your badge application has been approved. You can easily push your badge from that email to your Passport account and get sharing with the world!


Creative Commons LicenseTen Days of Twitter for Learning Developers was originally adapted from a similar programme for STEM researchers, also created by Helen Webster. The materials are available under a Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA.

The 10DoT Badges are adapted from those issued by University of Sussex’s Technology Enhanced Learning Team, which were also licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons LicenseTen Days of Twitter has been adapted by Technology Enhanced Learning for use at YSJ, and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

We are extremely grateful for the work put in by Helen Webster, the LD5Digital Things team and the Unviersity of Sussex’s Technology Enhanced Learning Team, and for sharing their great resources with the community!