Over 700 responses to survey – helping universities respond better to social economy

By | August 6, 2014

Thank you to everyone who has completed our survey. So far we have responses from:  Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, East Timor, Germany, Guinea Bissau, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, San Tome, Spain, United Kingdom! We will be publishing a handbook for higher education worldwide to promote the teaching and practice of the social economy in September 2015. We are particularly keen to hear from more cooperatives/social enterprises in the English speaking world.

See more about the social economy in higher education project

Complete the survey                              Complete the survey (UK version)


Responses so far are from:

cooperatives dedicated to food production, health, education and food retail;

mutual financial associations owned by their members;

informal groups dedicated to producing crafts;

social enterprises seeking to promote employability of young people;

associations for local development;

and many more.

If you belong to an association which exists for the good of the community, a cooperative which works to provide fair working conditions to its members or to the public, if you work in a social enterprise which is aiming to address a social/environmental issue in your community, we would love you to be part of this. Your experience will help to inform universities as they teach human-centred and sustainable ways of doing business. It will only take 10 minutes.


The survey is also available in Portuguese and Spanish:

Complete the survey in Portuguese

Complete the survey in Spanish (Latin America)

Complete the survey in Spanish (Spain)