Final Cut:


Contextualising statement:

The purpose of this task was to work as a group effectively to create a ten minute studio segment by the end of the four week period available. Effectively, this piece being placed on YouTube as well as being a group task that was carried out with correctly completed risk assessments, it should fulfil parts of the criteria of all three of the learning objectives set out for this module.

During the creation and production of this group studio segment my role was to operate sound in the studio and on the VT’s. This role included setting up the mic’s with the contestants and presenters, ensuring that the presenters were able to hear the Production Assistant and controlling sound levels for the recording of both the main body of the studio segment itself and for each of the VT’s. During the editing of the VT’s I also helped the main editor in an editing team format to help complete them ready for the show.

The game show format meant that the group had to improvise for a number of on show parts, the buzzers for example are simply milk bottle lids covered in electricians tape as it was decided that the easiest way to involve buzzers (which is a fairly normal part of most common game shows) would be to include the actual sound in the post-edit. This led to the issue of ensuring that the contestants did not slam the table when pretending to hit the buzzers lest they peak the sound recording and cause issues with the audio. Though this did happen a number of times during rehearsals, the director was able to ensure that during actual recordings it was not an issue.

With the recording of the audio for the VT’s there is a noticeable buzzing (see Bond and Brett’s Quiz of the Week – Politics VT below) that has come out in the audio files across them. It was decided by the Editor that I was working with at the time that due to the small time scale available to us to prepare the VT’s for the final production that this would be left in out of necessity. However, in the VT’s without any speech included this was a problem that we were able to solve by simply removing the audio track and replacing it with music (See Bond and Brett’s Quiz of the Week – Music VT below).

Health and safety was dealt with by the producer of the piece and so the VT filming and the main production were assessed for risks by her. However, maintaining tidy wiring and safe and correct usage of a fully extended boom pole were both essential to my part of helping maintain  a lower risk environment whilst on site for the VT shoot.


VT’s used in show:





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