Research File

Bibliography   (2016). Mission and Values. Availalble: Last accessed 29/11/12 (2016). At A Glance. Available: Las Accessed 30/11/12 The Economist. (2015). Softly Does It.Available: . Last accessed 1/12/12. Jenny Kidd (2016). Oxon: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. 4-5. Jane Martinson. (2016). BBC hits back at Daily Mail accusation of 'Brexit bias'.Available: . Last accessed 30/11/12. Red Cross. (2012). Call for newspapers to set the record straight on refugees and asylum seekers.Available:  Last accessed 29/11/12. Carolina Silveira. (2016). The Representation of (Illegal) Migrants in The British News. Networking Knowledge - Fortress Europe: Media, Migration and Borders. 9 (4), 1-2....
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Sergeant Norman Smith: To Burma and Back with the RAF

In the video below, Norman Smith discusses some of his experiences from his time in the RAF during, and in the aftermath, of World War Two Image Gallery Sergeant Norman Smith, service number 1590289, was born on the 17th of September 1924 and served with RAF between the 5th of April 1943 and the 15th of February 1947. In the right image Sergeant Smith can be seen in uniform during his time in the RAF. The image below shows Norman along with fellow servicemen during the war, he is the man on the right hand-side of the image, with an Avro Lancaster in the rear ground. This is not one of the aircraft that the airman served with in theatre, over Burma.             The image on the right shows a C-47 "Skytrain" aircraft, known in RAF service as the C-47 "Dakota", this is the type of airframe that the Burma Communications Squadron (in which Norman served) would have been equipped with. Below and to the left are a number...
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Student Sound: “Noise Coupled with Loud Music… It’s just Noise”

  “It’s annoying…” The majority of first year university students or “Fresher’s” live in university halls, a selection of mundane houses or tall buildings that together, house several hundred young adults during the beginning of their university careers. Metaphorically built around an exciting atmosphere of partying and freedom: teenagers escaping the shackles of home life for the first time. In the world of students, partying is, as one interviewee stated, “Just noise”. Peaceful sleep is something that one interviewed student, ironically dreams of, Jackson Smith said: “It’s very very annoying when you’re… trying to sleep.” These were his words after just a few short weeks of moving in, by the end of the first semester of this academic year, it appears as though little has changed as noise and idiot behaviour remain the name of the day in and around his accommodation. Student Loan's Cover "milk" not "fines" As well as this, it is not only running the risk of sleep deprivation and general frustration...
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Budgeting For Student Life

University fees have increased while student loans and grants have been squeezed over the past few years and students UK-wide have felt the impact. Adam Walsh spoke to several students at York St John University to see how well they had been coping with budgeting for university life.   Credit for cover image - Contextualising Statement: During the production of this artefact, the task at hand being to collect the evidence for and then effectively edit together an audio vox pop on the subject of student life, I was able to meet all of the learning objectives set out by this module. As far as the aim of this piece of audio is concerned, its target is the student audience as well as parents or those with an interest in how well students are able to manage their finance. The music was selected to add a comic effect, as some of the answers are somewhat ludicrous and I felt this would be the best...
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