Student Sound: “Noise Coupled with Loud Music… It’s just Noise”

  “It’s annoying…” The majority of first year university students or “Fresher’s” live in university halls, a selection of mundane houses or tall buildings that together, house several hundred young adults during the beginning of their university careers. Metaphorically built around an exciting atmosphere of partying and freedom: teenagers escaping the shackles of home life for the first time. In the world of students, partying is, as one interviewee stated, “Just noise”. Peaceful sleep is something that one interviewed student, ironically dreams of, Jackson Smith said: “It’s very very annoying when you’re… trying to sleep.” These were his words after just a few short weeks of moving in, by the end of the first semester of this academic year, it appears as though little has changed as noise and idiot behaviour remain the name of the day in and around his accommodation. Student Loan's Cover "milk" not "fines" As well as this, it is not only running the risk of sleep deprivation and general frustration...
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