Category: Alumni Stories

A banner showing a photo of the quad in autumn with the words ‘October Newsletter’ overlaid on top. The quad’s ivy is red and orange.

October alumni newsletter 2023

Welcome to your October alumni newsletter. As autumn finally arrives on campus, York St John is already settling into a new term with students back on campus after the summer break. This month there’s...

Well done to our York 10k team

After a week of rain, the forecast before the York 10k was tentatively bright with possible showers. Luckily, Sunday dawned bright and sunny with near perfect running conditions for our team. Some new personal...

A photo of the quad looking down the path towards one of its exits. The grass on either side of the central quad path seems to stretch out, and is very green and well-kept. The sky above is a solid blue with small clouds.

Pin badge inspiration

How do you sum up your experience of York St John? Every year we ask our graduating class to take part in our pin badge competition to design their graduation pin badge, and we...