What’s expected of us?

Assessment holds significant importance in Higher Education (HE) and can sometimes be a bit challenging to navigate. It sets HE apart from other learning methods like watching YouTube videos or browsing online content as it confirms a standard against the learning. What makes HE learning even more special is the valuable knowledge and skills you will acquire, which you will later apply to your careers and lifelong experiences.

Assessment is essentially how your learning and progress is gauged and to ensure that you’ve met the necessary standards. Universities often refer to this and similar processes as Quality Assurance (QA).

At York St John University (YSJ), we use a framework called Generic Assessment Descriptors (GADs) to outline the assessment standards across different schools, disciplines, and study levels (or years). Think of GADs as a blueprint that shows both the general skills and competencies (like Thinking Skills) and the grade expectations for assessed work. This consistency in assessment ensures that, regardless of your chosen course, everyone understands the standards we’re aiming for.

[Note: The GAD shown in the video has been redesigned with students to now read left to right from pass to 100%.

The students talk about Rubrics, but often these are presented to you as Assessment Marking Criteria.]

The methods of assessment can vary depending on the course and subject area. It’s a mix of written, verbal, and practical demonstrations of what you’ve learned. For instance, assessments might include activities like performing, debating, demonstrating, presenting or writing. Your module leader or instructor will choose the assessment method that best allows you to showcase your knowledge and skills in a way that is authentic and meaningful to your discipline.

Remember, each assessment method is carefully chosen to help you succeed and prepare you for your future endeavours. If you ever have questions or concerns about assessments, your instructors and support staff are here to assist you every step of the way. So, rest assured that your journey through assessments is designed to help you grow and thrive.

To help you make the best use of the GAD, there is the Understanding the Descriptors page to talk through the criteria in more depth.

As mentioned in the video above, the GAD can be replaced by a rubric that will specify how you are expected to evidence the standards of the GAD in each modular assessment. You can find out more about rubrics in From GADs to Rubrics.