Myself and my peers have begun to build a theatre company. We all wanted to make work with each other, and we felt that our various personalities and skills would make for a strong company. We want to showcase our diverse work and refine our practice to suit the ever-changing contemporary audience. We are currently taking the initial steps to do this professionally. We have signed up to the Graduate 2 Director programme and we have already assigned roles to each of our members; I am the Costume Coordinator and Assistant Marketing Manager. Our researchers have found a range of festivals and venues which we can perform our work and establish our brand.
Our plan is to develop existing work and take it to festivals and scratch nights. We intend to create connections and find partners that can fund our work. We acknowledge that within the next year/ 2 years, we will have to work full time alongside our theatre company, but we would like to get to a position where our company and practice can be the sole provider of income. All of us are determined to make this work, if it means making changes and developments to our initial plans; we all have a passion for making theatre and if it cannot be achieved through our company, I intend to freelance or even return to higher education (MA).