The key points to branding are establishing a brand personality and creating a narrative. Brands need to associate themselves with certain human characteristics. Brand personality can be a self-expressive means for the consumer (Keller, 1993).Continue reading
The legacy of Oliviero Toscani
Oliviero Toscani is an Italian photographer, best-known worldwide for designing controversial advertising campaigns for the Italian brand Benetton from 1982 to 2000. For 18 years, Toscani had been testing the limits of advertising. With each campaignContinue reading
An overview of Art Direction
The term art direction is used to describe the process of organizing and directing the visual elements of communication media, whether it is a TV program, commercial, or printed advertisement (Mahon, 2010). Clothing is aContinue reading
Briefing the client: principles in communicating the concept
Creative teamwork with copywriters, art directors, and graphic designers requires a clearly stated client brief with a specifically defined and quantified goal, time schedule, and financial plan that defines the basic strategic direction of creativeContinue reading
The narratives of advertising and editorial imagery
Advertising aims to grab the target consumer’s attention, create a desire for the product, and eventually persuade the consumer to buy the product (Armstrong, Ivas, and Armstrong, 2006). The challenge is to differentiate an ad fromContinue reading
The key touchpoints for visual communication
Touchpoints are the various points of contact between a brand and the consumer. In order to design a connected consumer experience, all touchpoints should be coordinated (Nam, 2013). There are designable touchpoints, which are subjectContinue reading
Optimising the Digital Platform
Online platforms, the services available on the Internet, are what we rely on heavily as consumers (Peterson, 2003). The Internet has been a retail channel for so long, which highlights the importance of fashion retailers developing an onlineContinue reading
An overview of the key branding principles
To brand a product, it is important to give it meaning for the consumers to label the product. Brands need to persuade the consumers that they provide a significant edge and competitive advantage (Keller, 2003).Continue reading
Stella McCartney’s use of visual channels to convey brand values
Brand values are the beliefs a brand stands for, and the principles that shape the whole brand identity (Nettl, 2021). Brand values are portrayed in the brand story. Using brand narratives in visual communication isContinue reading
Supreme’s use of colour and typography
The American clothing brand Supreme uses a simple logotype in white on a red background. The logo font is Futura Heavy Oblique by Paul Renner, very similar to Futura Bold Italic. Their official colors areContinue reading