The Secret Life of Students

Every Little Helps

Moving Day!

The day has come!

So, I am going to provide you with tips which will help you get through this day and the lead up to moving into your University Halls. I am sure you are feeling a variety of emotions about this, whether you are moving fairly soon or within the next few years.

This was a very odd day for me as I didn’t really know how to feel. I was excited to be starting this new journey but there is also the sense of nervousness which comes with changing from things which are so familiar to you. I’m sure you understand this feeling well but it really doesn’t last long. The day you move is so packed full of things to do that you will forget about these nerves and why you were worrying in the first place. 

# TIP NO.1 – Find out what you need!

This is extremely important as you do not want to arrive at your flat/house without your essentials. Your university website will usually let you know what your accommodation provides for you, however, most will require you to buy your own duvet, duvet covers, kettles etc.

# TIP NO.2 – Try communicate with your housemates before you arrive.

There are so many Facebook pages made to help you with this process. This helps to break the ice before you move in. It also allows you to decide what everyone should bring for the kitchen. In my accommodation we were able to have one person who provided a kettle, another a toaster, and another who brought an iron. This meant that we didn’t end up with 5 kettles which sometimes happens.

#TIP NO.3 – Make sure everything is packed the night before.

This will help to reduce the stress you would feel in the morning rushing around. It helps to make sure the only thing you need to do it pack last minute things such as your toothbrush and put everything into a car ready to be moved. 



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