Today marks the first day of self-care week, and Philipa-Jo, one of the Centre’s volunteers, will be discussing how we view and approach our self-care, and starting a self-care revolution!

The term “self-care” is fast becoming a widely used buzz phrase, with an emphasis on taking time out to look after ourselves and the role this can play on our general health and wellbeing. However, along with its well-meaning intentions, the concept of “self-care” may be getting lost somewhere amongst the plethora of advertising campaigns, beauty products, and readily available self-help advice claiming to be the answer to better health. Self-care influences are everywhere, and unfortunately some industries manipulate the concept to encourage their products to sell. Such marketing campaigns would have us believe that self-care is as simple to achieve as implementing a face mask routine or signing up to an expensive, all-singing-all-dancing gym membership, contributing to the ever-increasing pressure we may be adding to ourselves to be perfect.

Additionally, modern living is becoming more and more fast paced (so much to do and so little time to do it), leaving us to resort to shortcuts in order to get things done.  With limitations on the activities we can fit into our busy days, time for ourselves is often the first thing we sacrifice. Even with best laid plans, the goals we set ourselves are not always achievable and despite the many accomplishments we have ticked off, we can still be left feeling like we have underachieved.

Lack of time for self, combined with feelings of guilt and disappointment may lead us to become overwhelmed, adding to our mental load and increased risk of feeling stuck. Add the pressure of everyday living with the exposure to “one-size-fits-all” self-care marketing fads rooted in making us feel like we need to buy something to be happier with ourselves, and you are left with the very antithesis to self-care. Something that leaves me feeling a little hollow to say the least.

Let us reject such ideas that suggest we must buy certain products to feel better or improve our physical appearance to achieve self-love. Let us instead adopt a healthier approach to our self-care, implementing personalised plans to improve our quality of life – not materially but spiritually, emotionally and physically, by doing only what is right for ourselves as individuals at that particular moment in time. Let us embrace the idea of self-compassion on those days where we just don’t meet the job list quota.

So let us start a self-care revolution! Who’s with me?

First, let us get back to basics by exploring the following questions;  

  • What exactly is self-care?
  • Why should this be important to us?
  • And how exactly does it fit into our own lifestyles and personal experiences of wellness?

This week, along with your help, I will attempt to address these points, helping you to discover what self-care really means to you and how you might begin to implement small and personal changes to your own life to really feel the benefits.

What is self-care?

Below are some self-care definitions (with links to the resources) which might help us get started in defining our shared understanding of what self-care actually is;

Self-Care Forum

The actions that individuals take for themselves, on behalf of and with others in order to develop, protect, maintain and improve their health, wellbeing or wellness.

World Health Organization (WHO)

Self-care is “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.

Active Minds

Self-care is important to maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. It means doing things to take care of our minds, bodies, and souls by engaging in activities that promote well-being and reduce stress. Doing so enhances our ability to live fully, vibrantly, and effectively. The practice of self-care also reminds both you and others that your needs are valid and a priority.

As we continue self-care week, Philipa-Jo will be sharing other views on self-care, and things to think about when beginning a self-care plan.


Author: Philipa-Jo


A word on Self-Care… the Self-Care Revolution
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