World Menopause Day

World Menopause Day

When I was approached to write a blog post for World Menopause Day, I immediately felt a strange mix of gratitude and hesitation. Grateful for the opportunity to discuss an important topic but also, where on earth do I start. Menopause is such a big topic. October marks World Menopause Month, which aims to raise awareness of the menopause and options to improve health and wellbeing for women in mid-life and beyond. Culminating with World Menopause Day on 18 October, the theme for 2022 is cognition and mental health.

World Meditation Day

World Meditation Day

Do you have a regular daily practice, dip in and out of meditation, or are a complete beginner?

There are lots of benefits of meditating to encourage you to get started, and remind you why to keep going. From reducing anxiety and stress, reducing physical discomfort, boosting your immune system, lowering blood pressure, relieving depression, and it can increase creative thinking and productivity!