About Me

I come from a background of tradition. With that followed bumps in how I understood myself and my womanhood. See now, I understand that I cannot blame specific individuals for falling victim to age old ways. It’s about making bridges, not burning them. With this mindset at the foreground, let us challenge these anti-feminist conventions.

The characters I covey are representations of everyday people. I see people living and breathing, in no way differently to me, but at the same time entirely different to myself. This what I set out to explore. I focus on women. I want to create theater that opens dialogue about these women, or any woman. I want to make empowering pieces, shake your head pieces, cringe who would do that pieces, women saying, “aw yeah I get that,” pieces.  My theater will scare me in many of its stages, and by the end, perhaps you will be able to tell, or perhaps you won’t.