YSJ, Academic Development Programme

Professional Development for Learning, Teaching and Research

Academic Development Programme: Reflective Writing for Professional Development

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

While reflective writing has become a popular choice in student assessment in recent years, it is often overlooked as a method for staff professional development. This practical session will outline the benefits of structured reflection in a professional context, while offering some methods and models for participants to utilise in creating their own short piece […]

HEA Principal Fellowship – developing and evidencing your impact

MS Teams

This session is led by Professor Fiona Smart, HEA Principal Fellow. Fiona retired in June 2021 as Head of the Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University, where she still supports colleagues aiming for Principal Fellowship. Fiona now works globally as an independent HE consultant and alongside her other significant projects, is […]

RIPPLE Reading Group: Employability – or, preparing for alternative futures?

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

For our second RIPPLE Reading Group of the academic year, we will come together online to discuss student employability and how we might mobilise and reimagine employability to help prepare for or even bring about alternative futures. To kick off the discussion, we will consider a 2019 article from the Journal of Higher Education Policy […]

Reviewing your PFS Application: A peer learning workshop Nov 23


This workshop is for those preparing to submit their HEA Applications through the Experiential or Developmental Pathways in September 2023. In this workshop, we will guide you through how we review PSF (Professional Standards Framework) based applications for HEA Fellowship (D1-3, Associate Fellow/Fellow/Senior Fellow). You will: learn how we make judgements based on the descriptors and […]

Designing impactful personal tutoring: an interactive game-based workshop

SK/128, York St John University

This session introduces the notion of academic tutoring being a structured, purposeful series of interactions mapped to key points in the student journey. Using a game-based design tool, you will consider the journey of your students through their programmes, and how their aspirations and experiences impact on their educational outcomes. The tool suggests a range […]

Raising Awareness of International Students (RAIS)

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

International student enrolment is increasing at YSJ at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and, whilst this is a fantastic reflection on the experience provided by the University, it also means that academic staff may encounter a different set of student needs.  RAIS (Raising Awareness of International Students) is a project established by International Programmes to […]

HEA Fellowship Writing Retreat (D1 – D4)

MS Teams

Facilitated by Dr Mark Dransfield (HEA Fellowship Scheme Lead), this online writing retreat is for anyone who is developing their HEA Fellowhsip applications for submission in 2024, regardless of whether you are on the Developmental Pathway or the Experiential one. This is a non-taught session, but Mark will present a formal structure, during which there […]

RIPPLE Reading Group – Compassionate Pedagogies

Microsoft Teams --, United Kingdom

For our first RIPPLE Reading Group of 2024, we will come together online to discuss compassionate pedagogies and whether it is too much to ask for a compassionate university in these neoliberal times. To kickstart the discussion, we will consider a 2019 piece in the Australian Universities Review, titled: 'Unveiling opportunities for hope: Is it […]

Inclusive and Accessible Student Trips

DG/125 York Campus

About the event This on-campus (hybrid) event is a collaboration between the Teaching & Learning Enhancement Team and the YJSU Field Research Support Network. The event will be split into two sessions, with a 15-minute comfort break in between; colleagues are welcome to join for just one of the two sessions, if preferred. Timings: 10.00-11.30: […]