Reflection of University Progression

As I begin my Semester 2 at York St John University I am able to reflect upon my progress over the previous several months. I have read many texts that I would not have initially read and I have relished the freedom Creative Writing gives me. Although I predominantly write romantic poetry I have also been experimenting with ulterior forms such as short stories, scripts and non-fiction. By trying out different forms I have been able to start two novellas exploring different aspects of mental health problems. Kindly the staff at York St John have supported and encouraged these ideas and they have acknowledged the literary works I have done over the past several years. Today I received notification that I have achieved the Arts Scholarship which of course I am honoured to accept. This scholarship shall make travelling to publishing meeting and hosting art exhibitions more financially available to me, therefore I would like to thank the university sincerely for giving me this opportunity. My plans for the upcoming months is to send copies of my poetry anthologies to small British publishing companies and to hire a studio space so I can present the art collection I am currently working on.

I look forward to this semester with a great eagerness, as I know that I will develop my writing skills and develop more confidence in my work.

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