
           (Sat in a small train station waiting room, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders)

James: It’s like that time, you know, on sports day when you dropped the baton. I helped you pick it up and then you carried on running. You didn’t win but you didn’t come last either.

Sylvia: It’s nothing like that and you know it. This isn’t a simple matter of picking up a lost item and running on. It’s more than that.

                 (Sylvia shrugs his arm off her shoulders)

James: It kind of is. You made a mistake and I’m here to help you fix it.

Sylvia: And how exactly can I fix this?

James: Sylvia don’t make this more difficult than it already is! You need to fix this. You won’t just wake up and this will all be a dream. This is my life as well!

(Sylvia turns away from him)

Sylvia: Will you come with me?

James: If you want me there then yes. It’s my problem too now…

(Sylvia cuts him off angrily)

Sylvia: Don’t call it that!

(Sylvia turns to face him and James clutches her hand)

James: What do you want me to call it? A mistake? An accident? A fucking error?!

Sylvia (Tearfully): She isn’t a mistake. She is just unexpected.

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