Academic Curriculum Vitae

I recently decided to create an academic CV as I have been planning to apply for magazine internships however I had no idea where to start. Firstly I had to decide what information would be relevant for the type of internships I was applying for. As I was wanting to intern at a literary/arts publication so I decided to only include my achievements that would fall into this field. I included my personal details (such as name, email address and phone number) then bullet pointed my achievements from York St John University and King George V College as these are my two most recent places of education. In the bullet points I mentioned my scholarships, events I’ve hosted, conferences I’ve spoken at, society involvement and awards I’ve been given.

Additionally to these education achievements I also included a section for my personal achievements, as this shows that I have the initiative to made opportunities for myself in literary and artistic fields. In this personal section I mentioned my published work with website links to the work, my involvement in non-university poetry societies and this blog with a website link. Finally I had my references which are my current Creative Writing lecturer Fraser Mann and the Head Of Programme for Creative Writing Abi Curtis. I decided on these two as they told me I could use them as references and they are the two lecturers who know me best on a personal and academic level.

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