First Words: My First Poetry Event

On Wednesday I had my first poetry event. I have been organising this event for the last three weeks and it has been a struggle. I quickly realised several problems with my organisational skills:

  • Don’t organise an event for the first time alone! You will get extremely stressed and upset if you are prone to anxiety.
  • Don’t attempt to carry over ten litres of alcohol! You will end up with bruises across your hips where the bottles have hit against your torso.
  • Don’t expect everyone speaker to turn up! Two speakers did not attend the event and I was not prepared for this, resulting in stress.

On a whole I enjoyed the event and I was very impressed by Henry Raby’s performance poetry, as it lifted the mood of the event. I am very grateful to all the first years at York St John who performed and those who attended the event.

Finally my last piece of advice, do not drink all the left over wine!