Magazine project: Blog task 6

“Imagine you’ve got a marketing budget of £100.Think of some marketing ideas for The Yorkie and explain why they might work. Think about our demographics – age,location, gender, etc. “  Social Media:  The easiest and cheapest way that we could market our magazine would be through social media. Each individual member of our class has multiple…Continue reading Magazine project: Blog task 6

Magazine project: Blog task 5

The Yorkie as a commercial venture, identify possible advertisers and best income models. During week fives session we looked at income models used by magazines to gain revenue through advertisements. These different methods are: Display advertising Classified advertising – selling within the magazine Native advertising/ advertorial Branded media – sponsored content Online programmatic ads External/…Continue reading Magazine project: Blog task 5

Magazine project: Blog task 4

Reflecting and evaluating so far. During this weeks session we started discussing our feature story ideas with Robyn. Up to this point, we were having lectures demonstrating how to write feature stories and develop them into good, well told and interesting stories.  When looking for story ideas, I initially looked through what was happening around…Continue reading Magazine project: Blog task 4

Magazine project: Blog task 2

Yorkie Reader Profile Research:  Population –  The population in York, according to the 2011 consensus, is 198,051 people.  Ethnicity: York Local Authority compared 2011 UK census York[1] Yorkshire and the Humber[86] England[87] Total population 198,051 5,283,733 53,012,456 White 94.3% 88.8% 85.4% Mixed 1.2% 1.6% 2.3% Asian 3.4% 7.3% 7.8% Black 0.6% 1.5% 3.5% Other 0.5%…Continue reading Magazine project: Blog task 2