- Barton, G. (2015) Teach Now! The Essentials of Teaching. Routledge.
A great place to start! This guide is a really accessible read from professionals in education that candidly discuss their own experiences in the profession. It’s broken down into short units which makes it feel far more conversational and relatable which is really reassuring as trainee. From how to have your lunch to behavioural management, Teach Now! feels like having another mentor to chat to about the ups and downs of the profession.
- Lemov, D. (2012) Teach Like A Champion Field Guide: A Practical Resource to Make the 49 Techniques Your Own. Jossey Bass.
This book, despite its intimidatingly large size and heavy weight, Lemov uses this practical guide to explore the 49 techniques at the heart of teaching. The book is full of activities that will help teachers to reflect and self assess to find what works best for them. Think of it like a way to keep record of your progress. Pretty cool!
- Hattie, J. (2012) Visible Learning For Teachers: Maximising Impact on Learning. Routledge.
Hattie’s book is a collection of evidence based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Again, it’s the type of book that offers step-by-step guidance into visible learning and teaching in the classroom. It’s concise and user-friendly which means it’s completely accessible to pick up and put down and to read as you go! That’s how I’m going to be spending my summer holiday anyway!
- Singer, M. (2007) The Untethered Soul. New Harbinger Publications.
If you can separate yourself from the deep and meaningful title and the highly motivational image plastered on the front cover, The Untethered Soul is the wake up call you never knew you need. It doesn’t particularly tell you anything new; it unlocks the parts of you you didn’t know existed! Singer has a fantastic way of explaining the deep rooted meanings of existence but in a way that isn’t heavy. For me, it’s been great for channelling my inside voice that tells me I can’t do it. Rather than trying to silence it, Singer has taught me that I should simply let it happen rather than allowing it to drive my consciousness! If you’re into the ‘self-help’ stuff, it’s the ultimate book to have!
- Mackie, B. (2018) Jog On: How Running Saved My Life. William Collins.
Whether you’re a fitness fanatic or a couch potato, I seriously recommend this funny, moving, motivational book. Bella Mackie explains how she used running to battle her struggle with anxiety and depression. I truly believe in the positive impact exercise can have on your mental health and, as a teacher, we’re going to need oodles of positivity and optimism. If it fails to inspire you to jog on, it offers a real insight into the mindset of someone suffering from an anxiety disorder. A little more compassion and understanding is something that cannot be understated in this world! Give it a go.
- Covey, S. (1989) 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Free Press.
In this self help/improvement book, Steven Covey discusses how the way we see and experience the world is based on our own perceptions and beliefs. Covey writes that in order to change something we must change ourselves and offers 7 key insights in order to transform your lifestyle for the better!