“Ezra Nazi?” Prof. Matthew Feldman 27 April


Our Talking Literature, Talking Theory programme continues on Wednesday 27th April, when we welcome Professor Matthew Feldman, Professor in Contemporary History and co-director of the Centre for Fascist, Anti-Fascist and Post-Fascist Studies at Teesside University. Matthew is an expert on fascist ideology and the contemporary far-right in Europe and the USA.He has written widely on these subjects, as well as on the interaction between politics and faith in the modern world.


Matthew will be discussing Ezra Pound from first to second generation fascism in the seminar. His lecture, ‘Ezra Nazi? Reassessing Pound’s fascist politics, 1933-1958′  will present an empirical reassessment of Pound’s fascism.


The programme for the afternoon is as follows:

1330-1500: Seminar, DG/119. Preparatory reading to follow shortly. All are welcome to this event – all undergraduates students, postgraduates and staff.

1500-1530: Refreshments, DG/080 (foyer)

1530-1700: Lecture, DG/125 All are welcome to this event – all undergraduate students, postgraduates and staff.


We hope you can make some or all of these two events. For more information please email s.lawsonwelsh@yorksj.ac.uk