listen to ben jonson’s volpone, performed by YSJU students

Ben Jonson’s 1606 play Volpone is a set-text on ‘1En600: Introduction to Literary Studies’, a first year module which takes students on a trans-historical tour of English Literature published prior to the 19th century. To supplement their reading, this year’s students worked with staff to perform a live-reading of the play for their peers. You can now listen to a recording of the performance via the YSJU Media Library!

VolponeThis bawdy, provocative and frankly vicious play follows the Machiavellian Volpone and his parasitic side-kick Mosca as they con and connive their way through renaissance Venice. Filled with razor sharp wit and cutting insults, Jonson’s play is an exciting, darkly comic and haunting tale, which you can now hear come to life!

Read long with this free version of the text:

Readers include:

Mollie Watson
Reece Dixon
Megan Sheild
Nicollette Peddis
Tom Young
Harriet Ellington
Adam J Smith
Saffron Walkling