reflections on studying abroad: amsterdam

by Charlotte Stevenson

Earlier this year in March, just after the daffodils were gone, I received an email saying that my application to study abroad for a semester had been approved and that I would officially be a student of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as of September 2017. That day was a good day and, in the time since then, so much has happened. Continue reading “reflections on studying abroad: amsterdam”

building heathy relationships: call for creative submissions

By Tom Young

The Building Healthy Relationships Project is a student led collaboration based at York St John University, working in partnership with Survive, IDAS (Independent Domestic Abuse Services) and York College, that aims to highlight the importance of healthy relationships, emphasise consent and respect, and to strengthen the prevention of sexual violence and harassment on campus.

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confessions of a bookseller

By Harriet Bartle

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to sell books? I used to; I’d worked in retail for three years before I became a bookseller and as such I knew the ropes of customer service. I thought that it might be different, though; almost a romantic sort of job, where you spend your days surrounded by books of all genres, chatting to the quiet customers as they wander in out of the cold and expect to find fellow book lovers carefully shelving new stock and listening to peaceful, interesting music. As a literature student, it became the ideal prospect, the dream job; when I was lucky enough to be presented with the opportunity to enter the group of people that can call themselves booksellers, I jumped into this new world of pages head first. I was eager to see how this fascinating industry worked, particularly in the new era of internet shopping.

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third-year dialogue day

There is still time to register to participate in the third-year dialogue morning that will take place at 1000 on Monday 11 December in HG147. Tea, coffee and Danishes will be provided, as well as a wonderful opportunity to engage with teaching staff and discuss the opportunities being made available to all third years. To register for a place, please email Alex Beaumont (

event reflection. the perks and pitfulls of social media: how your digital footprint could both help and hinder your career.

By Tia Byer

On Wednesday 29th November, York St John University held a social media awareness workshop exploring the dangers and benefits of social media. The workshop was run by Andi Keeling. With over 30 years of operational experience working in the corporate world, Andi’s expertise provided York St John students with vital information concerning how to trace our online footprint.

Continue reading “event reflection. the perks and pitfulls of social media: how your digital footprint could both help and hinder your career.”

breaking news: the ysj english literature society returns!

By Rose Kirby, English Lit Society Publicity Officer

Following the winding down of this society in previous years, we’re here to restart the academic and diverse community that stood at York St John. A community that will encourage discussion and thorough engagement, as well as support, we are open to students studying Literature, or anyone that loves to emerge themselves in literature.

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“i was able to push myself”: recent literature graduate emily garner tells her YSJ story

“In the future I hope to continue working in academia, either as a Lecturer or part of a student services team. I was inspired by the Literature lecturers at York St John to consider teaching at university because their passion and knowledge is all I could ever want from a career.”

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