Words Matter: Literature on Lockdown

As a vital hub of community for staff and students on the Literature programme, let’s keep our Words Matter blog going through the weeks ahead! Here’s how…

Face-to-face teaching might have ended unexpectedly early this year, but we know you’ll still be reading (in face, if you’re following government advice and staying indoors you might have more time to read than ever!) and we still want to hear from you!

Whatever you’re reading, we want you to tell us about it! Are you reading for Uni? Reading for pleasure? Perhaps pursing a particular non-fiction interest? Whatever it is, we want to know about it. And we’re not just talking about novels, we mean literature in all forms, which includes: films, video games, board games, comics and graphic novels. Whichever way you’re consuming words, please do let us know!

We want short posts of 400-800 words offering a summary of the texts you’re reading and your verdict, which can be either a recommendation or a warning!

Send your posts to ysjwritingblogs@gmail.com and one of our editors will be in touch.