Welcome to our York St John Equality and Diversity Blog

We proudly present the York St John Equality and Diversity Blog! We are Marije Davidson, Equality and Diversity Adviser, and David Howell, Equality Champion of the Finance Team.

This blog offers a platform to highlight equality and diversity related events and developments at York St John, and to increase visibility of the diversity amongst our students and staff, including topics that they study, research or teach.

We are doing this because people have said that they do not know about the good things that already happen at York St John or what they can do to champion equality, diversity and inclusion. The blog will exist alongside equality and diversity-related information and policies on the York St John University’s website, but will be more interactive and responsive.

We very much hope that this blog will be a collaboration between the members of the York St John community and we would be delighted with your contribution! Please send an email to us if you have any stories or events to share.

We plan to post updates, initially, every 4 to 6 weeks. Do not miss out on them, and subscribe to this blog!

Marije Davidson

I am Equality and Diversity Adviser at York St John. I support York St John University's work to be an inclusive and welcome place for students, staff and visitors with diverse identities and backgrounds.

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  1. Anonymous says: