Keep Fighting – Cancer Documentary

Contextualizing Statement 

This story is important to me as I know Yvonne very well, we worked together at Northern Hygiene laboratories, and it was devastating for everyone when we learned she was suffering from bowel cancer. When she announced to people that it was terminal I knew I needed to tell her story, I contacted her directly and inquired if she would be comfortable with me doing a short documentary on her, and she loved the idea. I informed her that I would be asking some hard hitting questions and I wanted to ask her daughters some questions and she was accepting of it all. 

Ethically I knew not to ask the girls any inappropriate questions that would be upsetting or confusing for them, them both being very young and going through a lot with their mother. I kept the questions on the positive side; “whats your favorite thing about your mum?”, “what do you like to do with you mum?”, and got good responses from the eldest Tia. 

I had major issues with the sound on the footage, I believe the mic was faulty, I made sure when I booked out the equipment to get a final sound tutorial one on one with a technician to make sure 100 percent I knew what to do. I wrote all the steps down, and took pictures of the wires and setting, I then mimicked this on the shoot but the sound was still faulty, much too quiet and grainy. I tried to fix this in post but there was only too much I could do before it sounded robotic and unnatural. 

My target audience age was quite general from 10 onward, because cancer can affect anyone, and then all the people around them, regardless of age. I wanted people to feel apart of Yvonne’s world for a second, to get a sense of what it is like.  

I chose a video format because I thought the audience would feel the impact of the story more if they saw the victim to the horrible affliction, and her daughters, I feel the tone wouldn’t as effectively been shown through text or audio alone. 


Word Count: 358



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