The sun is gone. He no longer sits atop his cloudy perch but has been whisked away — an egg yolk reduced to foam. The froth of the sky has […]...Read More
Imogen is small. The sofa cushions could swallow her in a single bite. She is nestled between them, pigtails perfectly still. There is a juice stain that she tried to […]...Read More
Elena woke with a sharp pain in her chest. She inhaled with a gasp, bolting upright as fire burned down her throat. Her hands grasped like claws, raking at the […]...Read More
Its eyes stare into the gloom. Violet light trickles in through the useless curtains; outside, dusk waits patiently for the cycle to be complete and for the moon to rise […]...Read More
I hang like a frozen pendulum, staring out of the frosted window of the Material World, trying to catch a glimpse of the outside. I like where I hang. I […]...Read More
Whit sat at the computer desk, shoulders hunched forward, protecting the screen from prying eyes. That was, if they weren’t already prying. These words were dangerous. Their elaborate sequences reac...Read More