
This page contains a catalogue of the short stories, poems, and small pieces of creative writing that I work on in between bigger projects. The writings that I place here often explore ideas that I wish to return to in  larger projects. However, are mostly personal and inspired by something I have witnessed; turning these feelings and observations into artwork.

I never like to fully explain my creative writing, as I want my audience to use their own experiences to find a new meaning that I may not of seen while developing the writing. An audience members perception of an artists work is just as, if not more, important than the artists original vision of meaning. In art, an artist may use their work to better themselves or move through a difficult time but I believe it is also the audience that can gain a new perspective to a situation they may be in. To me, an audience member will try and see themselves and their own experiences in art, in order to understand it on a deeper level. An example I often think of is when you listen to a song and you think the artist is singing to you, or about you.

This is why I don’t intend to explain my writing and wish for my audience to explore and find new meaning in it, instead.