
Cracked skin turning black.

Restless under the weight of eyes that live in the night sky.

A long strand of curving lips catches whatever may fall merely inches above the ground.

Fake, effective, and cradling all manner of painful exhaustion;

this deceptive front hides all that dwells beneath.

The soft light that bathes the garden reveals corners often shrouded in deceiving darkness,

presenting another realm in between the light and dark of solid thinking.

Fresh grass strokes on the bottom of my naked feet,

vibrations from my phone touch my fingers but daren’t enter my thoughts,

and the air is seemingly softer than all the nights before.

Hands are shaking.

Arms unable to lift higher than my heart,

which is beating to the sound of my lumbering footsteps.

The lighter in my fingers can’t reach the cigarette hanging from my lips,

so it sits cold and unlit.

Soft music dances around the trees,

surfacing deep pain as it bursts out through frantic movements.

The notes in my ears trickle through my brain,

while every lyric thrusts a dagger into my gut.

Painfully sweet serenity is often the way in such a controversial world.

Every moment standing is a further foot fallen.

Living in each crippling self-made moment,

I close my eyes to grasp onto some object that would propel me out of this deep dark hole.

And in that moment,

you’re standing in front of me.

Staring into my eyes,

you slowly remove your clothes and set your sights to the world ahead.

Holding out your arms to reveal your neatly folded dress,

you move your head closer to mine

and drape your hands across my shoulders to reveal a smile.

Conflicted in my desires.

I want you to go because who would you be if you stayed,

I want you to stay because it would kill me to see you go.

I know that letting in the wants and desires corrupt judgment.

So, I speak compromising words of compromise.

I’ll be your coat hanger if you will light my cigarette before you go.