Japanese Deaf Culture

About Me:

Name: Lindsey Delahunty

ID: 209065107

Age: 20

Course: Japanese Intercultural and Contemporary Communication



Ebisu (1783)
Ebisu statue

Izanagi and Izanami, The first God and Goddess

Japanese Federation of the Deaf (1947)
Japanese Federation of the Deaf Flag
Japanese Sign Language
Toshihiko Makiln – the first D-Pro president
Scored in Silence by Chisato Minamimura
Ayumi Hamasaki: 浜崎あゆみ / 春よ、来い

Ayumi Hamasaki COUNTDOWN LIVE 2019-2020 〜Promised Land〜 A 【digest movie】


Ebisu (1783). [image] Available at: <a href="http://2021. Ebisu (1783). [image] Available at: https://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/ebisu.shtml

Ebisu Statue. [image] Available at: https://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/ebis.shtml

Izanagi and Izanami, the first God and Goddess. [image] Availabe at: https://yamatomagazine.home.blog/2019/06/15/yomi-and-the-fate-of-izanami-and-izanagi/

Japanese Federation of the Deaf (1947). [image] Available at: https://www.jfd.or.jp/en/about/achievements

Japanese Federation of the Deaf Flag. [image] Available at: https://www.crwflags.com/Fotw/flags/jp_jfd.html

Japanese Sign Language. [image] Available at: https://www.tofugu.com/japan/japanese-sign-language/

Toshihiko Makiln – the first D-Pro president. [image] Available at: https://www.deaf-dpro.net/d-pro%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6/english/

British Council Arts, 2019. Edinburgh Showcase 2019: ‘Scored in Silence’ by Chisato Minamimura. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkaiTihi3nI

Ayumi Hamasaki: 浜崎あゆみ / 春よ、来い. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZRHJix83yg

Ayumi Hamasaki COUNTDOWN LIVE 2019-2020 〜Promised Land〜 A 【digest movie】. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7s6V-cu-W4&list=PL57sdSoJE6TH5FilUlC9Py7oxukco7es2&index=6