Intimacy in performance

A reflection on the theatre and intimacy workshop 

Earlier this year, I attended a theatre and intimacy workshop which covered topics of intimacy between performers, consent, and sexual harassment in theatre. This workshop really helped me understand the boundaries that need to be placed when working in a theatre company and in a rehearsal setting. Oxford dictionaries define consent as, “Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.” (Oxford dictionaries, 2019). To me, I find consent one of the most important things in the work industry as everybody has a right to their own body and it is important to set boundaries. This workshop consisted on working together with my fellow peers on exercises relating to touch and boundaries and learning about the appropriate language that needs to be used in a working environment. 

This workshop was also particularly important to attend due to the rise of the #Metoo campaign. This Campaign was originally launched in 2006 to stand against sexual harassment and sexual abuse. In 2017, #Metoo became viral on Twitter by actress Alyssa Milano and was then made into a hashtag on social media. This then provoked other celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lawrence and Gwyneth Paltrow to speak up about their experiences. This campaign has allowed many people to speak up about their experiences regarding sexual harassment and to put an end to try and put an end to it. 

In conclusion, this workshop helped me gain more confidence as a performer, I to speak up about consent and being comfortable in intimate situations. This workshop reminded us that sexual harassment should not be tolerated.











1 year since Alyssa Milano’s first #MeToo tweet: Have things actually changed for women? (2019) [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 22nd April 2019].

consent | Definition of consent in English by Oxford Dictionaries (2019) [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 15th April 2019].

Tea and Consent (Clean) (2015) [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 20th April 2019].