Unfortunately I have been unsuccessful in my attempt to gain a placement for this semester but I am still in contact with SheLovesYork and I am hoping to gain some work experience with them in the future after the Covid-19 virus.
No reply from businesses
After a few days now I have not recieved any replies from my emails. I may have to revise the email and change it to make it more appropriate. On reflection I should of sent this email out alot sooner then I did. This has set me back as each time I am unsuccessful I will need to change my email and try again.
Improving my interview techniques
After sending emails to various companies I have started futher reading in to interview techniques and started to practice psychometric testing. I hope the time I put in to studying these helps me in interviews in the future. To measure how much this does help I will be asking for feedback after every interview I have so I can keep improving.
Email sent to businesses
I have now sent an email to some more businesses in an attempt to gain a placement. I hope this helps me to gain a placement, but if not some interviews would help my confidence which would be great.
Meeting with my tutor
I have recently had a meeting with my tutor for my module. I think the meeting went well and has made me realise what needs to be done. the meeting has also shown me that I am currently not doing enough and need to be more active looking for placements.
A setback
6th Feb 2020,
Today I undergo a major operation on my knee. I am worried what effect this will have on me securing a placement as I am unsure how long I may not be able to move around.
Applying for placements
Feb 3rd 2020,
Today I started to research possible placement I would like to do and I’ve also started looking at some graduate schemes that I might be interested in after finishing my marketing university degree.