YSJU Liberal Arts makes a Splash!

Square One, an online magazine founded by York St John University students, have published an interview with Course Leader, Dr Adam Smith. The interview is conducted by current Literature student Tia Byer

York St John is delving into the liberal arts. As of September 2017, the university is offering students the opportunity to take a Liberal Arts Foundation Year. The university is experiencing some extensive changes in terms of widening their study programmes. With new Undergraduate Degrees being offered, such as Police Studies, the university’s staff have certainly been busy in broadening York St John’s field of study. One such lecturer is Dr Adam Smith. Adam is the Course Leader of the brand new Liberal Arts foundation course. What are the Liberal Arts, I hear you ask? Well, I had the pleasure of interviewing Adam on this very subject just the other day. Here is what I found out…

Read the full interview, ‘York St John is Expanding’, on Square One!