Christmas in York

So it’s coming to that festive season of the year called Christmas. Although, this may be the time to eat a lot of great food and see your friends and family, why not explore York too? It’s so amazing at Christmas and honestly it does not disappoint! So here’s a few fun ideas of what you can do this Christmas in York:-


1). Go to the Christmas market. Why not wander down to St Nicholas’s Fair and revel in the delight of Christmas! Look at the variety of stalls down there ranging from crafters and makers to delicious sweet treats. You could go in the day or at night time and explore whilst enjoying a bite to eat. Not only that, THOR’s tipi at the end of the fair sets such a comfortable atmosphere where you can socialise with your friends and enjoy a mulled wine whilst sitting by a warm cosy fire.


 2). Go and see the lights. York has a range of lights up this year from their Christmas tree’s to down the little streets. So why not go see the lights, it’s a perfect opportunity to explore around York and get to know this amazing city we call our home as a student!


3). Go to the castle museum. It has an amazing Victorian street which turns so Christmassy in this season! What’s even better is we can get in free if we simply sign up and flash our YMT card! Go find out how Christmas was celebrated over 150 years ago. So why not go learn some of our history and culture whilst exploring an actual Victorian street at Christmas!


4). Go for a Christmas meal with your flat mates or friends. Whether this is a meal you cook as a group or you venture out into York, having a Christmas meal is an excellent opportunity to celebrate this festive season. There are a range of places in York to eat out and meet your friends. I personally enjoy a carvery which reminds me especially of Christmas and the time spent with friends and family. But there are so many places in York, there’s a meal for everyone! Or if not, have a night in and enjoy a meal as a flat with Christmas crackers, plenty of Christmas games and why not throw a Secret Santa into there!


 5). Have a night in. Enjoy a night in watching Christmas movies and getting into the Christmas spirit. There is nothing I enjoy more than getting into my PJ’s, snuggling up on the sofa or my bed and sticking on a Christmas movie or two! Personal recommendations are definitely ELF, the Santa Clause Series and Love Actually. So why not have a movie night and watch all your favourite Christmas movies. 


Finally, have fun! Christmas can often be a busy season with buying Christmas presents and completing your assignments before the deadlines. But don’t forget to enjoy your Christmas in York and see all what it has to offer!


Rebecca Keetley

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, and nowhere is that clearer than in York. This city never looks nicer than it does at this time of the year, with its famed Victorian streets covered in tinsel and snow to create a great Olde English-style Christmas for locals and tourists alike. Here are a couple of fun activities to do around York before the big day:

Check out the Christmas markets

Anyone with any festive cheer loves a good market, and York’s is one of the best in the country. Situated mainly in the city centre, there’s plenty of goodies on offer, whether it be fresh turkey sandwiches, a sly mince pie or a hot mulled wine, you’ll feel as full as Santa himself by the time you leave! There’s also a wide range of gifts for sale, such as wooden ornaments, posters, and toys for the young ‘uns. York’s Christmas market would put Dickens to shame with its crooning carols and friendly merchants. Don’t be a Scrooge – go and see!

YSJ’s Christmas Dinner

What is Christmas without the dinner? A load of wrapping paper and a big tree. One of the best things about the 25th is that huge Turkey (or Nut Roast) lunch, the only time of the year where you can pig out and not feel ashamed. Fittingly, York St. John is offering a special Christmas Dinner on Tuesday 11th-Wednesday12th December! From 5-7pm, you and a group of friends can treat yourself to a great two-course meal at City Kitchen on campus. A full main, with vegetarian and vegan options, a choice of pudding, and even a mince pie for afters – what much more can you ask for? This all comes at the reasonable price of £9.95pp. Keeping with the spirit of goodwill, 50p of each meal will be donated to Sodexo’s charity Stop Hungry, a scheme which promotes good nutrition and tackles hunger issues. All-round then, a good deal!


So that’s just two things you can do in York this Christmas season. All I can ask of you is – enjoy yourself!

Glad tidings to all of you,

Patrick x

On the run-up to the festive season, essay deadlines and exams are nearly over and done with, so why not start planning some fun activities for yourself and friends to do to fill in all the luxurious free time you’ll start getting. So, here’s a list of some festive things you might want to experience in York, especially if you’ve never been here for the Christmas season before.

The Christmas market in the town square is simply stunning. It’s undeniably the beating heart of Christmas in York, and the place to go if you want to fill yourself with festive cheer. The different stalls hold an array of food, crafts, beverages and, my personal favourite, is a stall which sports traditional yuletide garlands, scented with cinnamon and spice. They cost about £8 each but are well worth a purchase to make your room smell like Christmas. Perhaps buy one to take home for Christmas to add a piece of York to whatever traditions you already have.

Christmas at YSJ wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Christmas Archies day hosted by the Students Union on the 14th December. The final day of term calls for letting your hair day and having a final farewell with your uni friends before heading home for Christmas. Why not don your favourite festive jumper and see which of your friends managed to pull-off the most festive attire for an added piece of fun.

However, if Christmas food is your main priority, why not head down to Uni and book a table at City Kitchen for you and your friends. The schedule and prices are yet to be confirmed, so keep your eyes peeled for a separate post all about that!

If you’d rather head out for food somewhere else, why not try Russells Carvery in Coppergate. Probably not too far off the Sunday dinners you’re used to experiencing, for £10.95 a full roast carvery with a choice of meats (and glorious Yorkshire puddings) its very good value and the place itself is super cosy with great service. P.S – you can upgrade for more meat and some sausages if you’re going all-out. But remember to save room for the traditional desserts – apple pie and custard anyone?

A day out for Christmas is always a winner, and with the York bus service doing discounts for all students in York it’s a great way to fill in a day and explore outside the city centre. Whether you go to Monks cross outlet or the designer outlet further afield, a change of scenery is always good for the soul. Monks cross, if you’ve not been yet, houses shops such as New Look, a mahoosive Primark and Schuh. However, at the Designer outlet, a more festive activity can be found…

The Winter Wonderland attraction opens on the 17th November and encompasses a whole variety of activities. There will be an ice rink, Christmas stalls and a Santa’s Grotto so if your family are popping down for a visit with younger siblings, why not take them along? For me, a trip to an ice-rink is just so festive and fun that I can’t wait to go and get my skates on! With a huge array of restaurants and a closing time of 8pm, you can really make this a full, fun-filled day out.

Remember to tag us in your social media photos if you decide to try out any of the activities listed @lovewhereyoulive on Instagram. Have a great Christmas everyone!


Merry Christmas Everyone,

This month’s blog is all about things to do in York over the Christmas period, and I will be sharing a few of my favourite things. Which I feel should be done, as a YSJ student over the Christmas period.

The first thing that can be done over the Christmas period is to take a walk down Parliament Street, to look at the Christmas Market stalls; and support all the local businesses. These businesses come and sell their products in York over the festive period. I highly recommend checking out the Brown&Blond brownie stall, who have some amazing brownies in loads of different flavours. As well as seeing all the different arts and crafts stalls, alongside the arts and crafts why not have a look at all the different food stalls, from mulled wine to crepes and doughnuts.

In addition, located at the bottom the Christmas Market is Thor’s Tipi Bar, which is also another personal favourite on the list of things to do. Thor’s is great for something to do with your flat/house mates. Especially, if your wanting an evening where you all do something together. Moreover, with the Christmas Market only being 2 mins from St John Central and 5 mins from Percy’s Lane, it is good for having a social night with your flat/house mates. In addition, you can sit around the open fire with a drink and warm up from the cold, after you have finished walking down through all the market stalls. Alternatively, you start in Thor’s then go around the market.

A final thing to do over the Christmas period is to walk through The Shambles when the snow is on which is usually on a Friday and Saturday between 16:00 and 18:00 and you can share your pictures using @VistYork on Twitter and #YorkChristmas on Instagram. This enables people to see The Shambles in a completely different light as well as a chance to see some snow and have some fun with your friends.


Thanks for Reading and Merry Christmas

Adam- Residential Support Advisor