Top ten things to bring to university with you!

As well as being super exciting, getting ready to go to university is also super stressful. Particularly when it comes to packing all your stuff. Most new uni students haven’t spent more than a few weeks away from home, so it’s almost impossible to know what you may need to bring with you for an entire year and what can be left behind.

1. Bedding

This may seem simple but having the perfect bedding for your room is key to making sure you have that great night’s sleep. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get great quality bedding; the high street offers some great options at the fraction of a cost. During the first week of university your main priority will not be sleeping with so many great events taking place over Fresher’s Week but trust me you will be grateful once all the partying and socialising has stopped that you spent time arranging your room. Making your bed feel comfortable and familiar will also help with the transition from home, remember that your bedroom is your space and you will most probably spend a lot of time here.

2. Photos from home

Photos, snapshots of friends and family will make you feel closer to home. Not only are these photos a great way to share memories but also to decorate your room. Why not get some photo frames to put around your bedroom or notice board to create a collage? The best things about photos collages are that you can add to them throughout your time at uni. You will be able to take the photos with you wherever you go.

3. Teabags, milk, coffee

The main three, now after a day of moving in and travelling a cup of tea will be your best friend, and for the morning start the next day coffee. Not only will these be your best friends during your first week, but this friendship will last throughout your three years of university. Not only can you unwind in the evening, but offers a great ice breaker is to offer a new house/flat mate a cup of tea or coffee. It gives you the chance to meet you people and find out ore about them, interactions you make in the first week will shape your first year. In case you can not get to the shop of your first day bring these three with you, trust me you will thank me later.

4. Storage boxes

You will be surprised how much stuff you bring to university that you may not need straight away. You will find that there is normally space under the bed, make the most of this by using storage boxes these boxes will also be useful when moving out at the end of the year. Making the most of the space in your room also helps when you come to tiding and cleaning, the less stuff that s left on the floor the easier the room is to clean.

5. Comfy clothes

For those lazy days or days writing essays comfy clothes will be your saviour. There will be nothing better than spending evenings on the sofa or in your friend’s bedroom catching up on TV or watching movies. You will spend the first week spending hours on getting ready and going out or exploring York, so it is always worth having some comfy clothes that you can unwind in.
6. A calendar
It may seem like a weird item to bring with you to university but once the craziness of Fresher’s week has calmed down you will need to organise lectures around social activities (don’t forget to leave yourself time to see your friends and call home). A small desk calendar or a large notice board one, it means you can keep up to date events and campaigns.

7. Wash basket

I hate to break it you but at some point, you are going to need to do some washing, and it will be much easier to carry it to the laundry rooms in a wash basket rather than in your arms. You can get washing baskets at a low cost in high street stores such as Home Bargains or Primark. But having a wash bag will make your life easier and it stops dirty clothes piling up on the floor, so it keeps your room tidy. It is better than trying to get which socks are clean on the floor.

8. Medicine and vitamins box

It is always worth having a medicine and vitamins box, every year there is an outbreak of Fresher’s flu the best way to make sure it passes quickly is to be prepared. Make sure you have registered with the university doctor’s after Arrivals Weekend and have plenty of water and vitamin C as this helps to raise your immune levels. Having a medicine box means that you are prepared for every headache or late-night early morning start.

9. Laptop, Computer or tablet

Unsurprisingly you will be doing work while you are at university and you are going to need something to do your work on. Your room will have access to Wi-Fi so make sure you get connected to this (this you are having problems connecting then contact KeySurf). Make sure you do not forget to pack your charger, or you might find that your work will take longer than expected.

10. Warm clothes

Although you will be joining us in September it is also worth remember that soon it will be colder, and the weather up north can change quickly. It is also worth bring a waterproof coat and a warm hoodie or jumper that can be chucked on over whatever you are wearing.

Remember that if you forget any of these items then you can buy them once you are in York, from town or a supermarket. Not everyone will need to bring the same items with them to university and our top ten is only a guide.

Why not post your top ten ideas below in the comments!