My Journey

About me

I was brought up in Yorkshire, with an encouragement to create, perform and dream. Going on to receive a master’s in the arts at York St John University secondary to my first degree BA at the same institute.

Over the years I have cultivated the tools and knowledge to grow into a self-aware maker. With a curious-mindedness for learning, and pushing art to its limits.

Over the years I have cultivated the tools and knowledge to grow into the self-aware maker that I am today. With a curious-mindedness and passion for learning and doing.

I am constantly searching for answers or exploring human possibilities through the arts. As you can see from a number of my previous works. My nature is to be interdependent, meaning that I’m also an adaptable worker, having worked in large ensembles, and smaller companies, and working on independent projects. 

My passion is to make and research art in all its different complexities.

The world is far too complex for it not be a muse.

I am fascinated with work that has a Global outlook and awareness of social responsibility. Art is a tool I use to convey internal commentaries, I use my work to discover both myself and the complex society we live in. 

As well as making art for the stage, I have also written and directed several art films. I have explored many themes in my projects over the years. Ranging from love and loss to memory and dreams as well as other social commentaries.

Similarly to the art of moving pictures, I am also a passionate photographer, the focal points of my photography are usually architectural structures and mundane, dreamlike captures. I am passionate about finding oddities in image as you can explore through my photography portfolio and short films.

As well as all of this, I also write poetry. I have written a variety, you can view a selection of these on the writing and poetry page’s gallery. I’ve self-published three books Lavender (2019), The Woodlands (2020), & St Clementine (2021) [no longer available for public purchase] 

My Current Projects

Les Petit’s Bouffons

My key project at the moment is the Les petit’s bouffons. An all-female cast clowning show. Our next performance shall take place in York, January 2023. More information can be found on my dedicated Les Petit’s Bouffons page.


At this moment in time, I am also developing the writing to be added to my fourth collection of poetry Lighthouse. For more information on previous examples of my poetry I, have a mini portfolio of work on my Writings page.

It all ends in August

I am presently writing the script for a six-episode short series titled It all ends in August. Following the story of two young women studying in Paris who fall in love. The film will aim to comment on queer identity, and honest bisexual representation within the film as a breath of fresh air. As well as such themes the show also comes as a documentation of womanhood, captivating toxic masculinity and domestic abuse within a non-sensationalized context. My hope for the project is to also combine a multitude of artists helping provide work of actors of queer and minorities and build representation for all within the arts.