Writing and Poetry

“Unholy and rotten,

Yet, given the apple to bite, I would feast.”

Egocentrics, The St Clementine Collection

I find writing to be a fundamental part of the creative process, when working alone on a project I often find myself working with words to begin, then adapting my work to the stage or film. I am always writing something. Not necessarily putting pen to paper but always imagining new stories and scenarios. I was the child in primary school my teachers struggled with, as I was always daydreaming, or as they would put it, “Off with the fairies”.

As they say

‘Writing is a way to remember ideas that come to life in your mind’

Over the past years studying at York St John has given me the opportunity to develop my writing style. As well as to take the ‘Writing after Beckett’ module option.  Dr. Claire Hind, who specializes in conceptual performance practice involving play and death, has given me the tools needed to understand the process, organization, and decent that is needed to go through in order to write to full potential.

As well as giving me the creative direction to explore my own writing style. I’ve studied many artists who have inspired the style of my own work.

I find inspiration in both the ordinary and the magical, the need to write comes as a natural release to me.

I have self-published three poetry books so far, my limited collections Lavender (2019) , The Woodlands (2020), and St Clementine (2021).

Please contact me via email at lucymariebuisness@gmail.com for more information regarding writings.

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