Green is the new black: why has veganism become so popular?

Maddie Smith Anyone that uses social media will have noticed the recent tidal wave of 57 million ‘#vegan’ Instagram posts and a significant smattering of the hashtag ‘#poweredbyplants’. What is it about a vegan diet that has caught the imagination of so many people? Some see it as a fad; a young person’s trend that…Continue reading Green is the new black: why has veganism become so popular?

York ambulance crew jump into river Ouse to rescue distressed patient

Maddie Smith Two members of an ambulance crew were required to jump over the railings of Ouse bridge in York and into the river to rescue an agitated patient. The incident occurred at 3am on Saturday the 27th of January. The crew had been alerted of a situation with two intoxicated women, who had become…Continue reading York ambulance crew jump into river Ouse to rescue distressed patient