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Zigzag Pitch Presentation

We were asked to create a pitch for Zigzag – a York based digital marketing company. In groups of four (although we ended up with six) we researched their clients in order to choose one we wanted to create video content for. We chose local family company, MVPTravel based on the fact one of our group had worked for them.

We had to create a 15 minute group presentation in which we demonstrated an understanding of that client and their customer base. Including individual creative briefs for 3 pieces of content for that client, and why the content was relevant.

Working on the pitch was challenging and unlike anything I’ve ever done before. Once we had agreed as a group which pitches each of us would deal with, I did individual research on the experiences of American sports fans in the UK, particularly the demographics amongst young fans and players, in order to create a Christmas ad. The information was scattered and hard to find and work into something useful. I wrote a 3 minute script for my pitch and brought it back to the group.

“The creative brief is the foundation of any advertising or marketing campaign.” (Suggett 2018) I needed to create a targeted online marketing advert that could be shown or linked to from a variety of social media platforms, in order to bring greater traffic to the MVPTravel website. We had studied a variety of creative briefs for different companies and products, but each needed to answer basic questions for the clients: What are the project background and objectives? Who is the target audience? What are the key messages? How and where will the video be distributed? What tone will it use? Are there any mandatory elements? What are its timeline and budget?

During the experience I learned that being able to work in and coordinate well as a team is essential on a project like this. That in order to pitch well a lot of rehearsal time is required. That all technical aspects of a presentation need to be double checked and that there always needs to be a backup plan in case things go wrong. And, in the case of my brief, a pleasing creative idea is not necessarily the same as a good marketing strategy.


Zigzag Digital. (2019) [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 28th January 2019].

MVPTravel. (2019) [Internet] Available from [Accessed 28th January 2019].

Suggett, P. (2018) How to Write a Successful Creative Brief in 9 Steps [Internet]. Available from [Accessed 20th January 2019].


Christmas Ad Sponsorship Brief

YouTube Sponsorship Brief

Jack’s MVP Brief

MVP Presentaion

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