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Music Video Pitch

“Contemporary music video is a digital medium used to create and sell artists while both inventing and disrupting the world it represents.” (Taylor 2007)

Working in groups of 3-4, you had to create a presentation, a maximum of 10 minutes long, to address the CLIENT BRIEF – The And Ensemble. The presentation had to include a video montage of examples of work that reflected our ideas for the music video. We also had to include our own creative treatment in response to the band’s brief.

After studying the client brief from The And Ensemble, and listening to the song, our group brainstormed possible ways we could create a video to fulfil the requirements and be creatively satisfying. As there were three writers in our group, we agreed that once we had the basic idea the simplest approach was to write the script.

“Every story, no matter how brief or long, has an exposition, conflict, climax and resolution.” (Block 2008) This is what we set out to create in the space of three minutes. We all worked together around one computer, bouncing around and testing ideas. Once we had a rough draft, we emailed it between us for editing and final polishing ready for our pitch when we provided printed copies. The experience of collaborating with two other writers was an absolute pleasure.

“The job of the visual components is to support the story. You must know your story, understand its structure, and have a point-of-view. Linking the visual structure to the story structure allows you to motivate your visual choices.” (Block 2008) We wanted to create a definite, consistent aesthetic sense – a kind of retro 1960s chic made popular by the likes of Amy Winehouse and Duffy. We wanted to convey the story of a strong woman wronged by a man, taking back her power, using visual cues from previous iconic female singers. We worked using a non-linear narrative and around the idea of minimalist props, making every image and every moment count in building the style and emotional resonance of the story to support the song and band presentation.

The whole experience taught me just how fast a creative goal can be achieved when everyone is collaborating well and excited about their work.


Taylor, P. G. (2007) Press Pause: Critically Contextualizing Music Video in Visual Culture and Art Education, Studies in Art Education [Internet], 48 (3), pp. 230-246. Available from [Accessed 17th January 2019]

Block, B. (2008) The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media [Internet]. Amsterdam, Routledge. Available from [Accessed 17th January 2019].


Music Video Inspiration

Music Video Script

The And Ensemble Presentation

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