Introducing the #YSJ10DoT Game

Introduction to the #YSJ10DoT game!

10 Days of Twitter, or #YSJ10DoT, starts on Monday 18th April 2016, so there are a few days left to sign up if you want to participate along with other users.

You can keep up to date the game scores and the leaderboard on the YSJ10DoT Game page.

As you complete the activities throughout 10 Days of Twitter you will earn points, and what do points make…!?

The 10 Days of Twitter Leaderboard is based on the hashtag #YSJ10DoT. Join the leaderboard by tweeting using the hashtag: #YSJ10DoT. Gain leaderboard points by Tweeting with the hashtag, chatting about the course to friends/colleagues and being retweeted.

Tweets are worth 1 point, Mentions worth 2 points, Retweets are worth 3 points, and posts containing Media are worth 5 points.

Tweet your activities & questions and let us know how it is going!


516IT6UkaaL._SX399_BO1,204,203,200_The member of YSJ Staff with the highest score at the end of the 10 Days of Twitter will win a copy of Social Media for Academics by Mark Carrigan.

The game is just for fun 🙂 The game team reserve the right to change the weightings of the scored elements in order to keep things interesting. The leaderboard will be updated daily throughout the 10 days (it is not live, in order to let you get on with participating in the course rather than checking the leaderboard every 5 minutes!). Any questions on the game to @PhilVincent.

Phil Vincent

Phil’s focus is to work across Faculties to support the implementation of the Academic Strategy, and in particular contribute to the effective development and implementation of technology enhanced learning.

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