York St John Outreach Hub

Bringing our university to you.


Many people choose to go to university because it will benefit their career in some way. 

For some careers, having a degree is essential. For others it might just put them ahead of the competition. Some people want a degree because graduates earn more on average than non-graduates.

At university, you'll get to study your subject in depth, get involved in lots of interesting extra-curricular activities, and build sklls while you're at it. Employers are interested in what you did while at university.

Most universities also have careers services who will help you find placements, write a CV and get a job at the end of your degree. At York St John, our career service, LaunchPad, is a lifelong career service. So you can come back 10, 20, 30 years after graduation and still access the same level of support.

Find out more about all aspects of careers in our blogs below:

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Or on our careers forum: https://blog.yorksj.ac.uk/outreach/forums/forum/general/careers/

If you have a question about careers, jobs, placements or employability, leave a comment below.



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