York St John Outreach Hub

Bringing our university to you.

Choosing a Course or University

University can be one of the most exciting times in a young person’s life. It may be the first time you move away from home, live independently, and be responsible for yourself. It comes with a lot of challenges, but a lot of exciting opportunities as well.

As a young adult, you’ll be making decisions for yourself. Deciding whether to go to university is one of these decisions, as is the course you want to study, and the university you want to go to.

These decisions can be really difficult to make – but it’s important to take your time and do your research so that you make the best decision possible. It’s also YOUR decision – you don’t need to choose the same course as your best friend, or go to the same university as your cousin. This is your life – you make the rules.

We’ve asked our staff and students to record quick videos about how they decided which course or university to go to. We hope they’ll help you with your decisions. As always – reach out to us if you need any more support: Email us at: wp@yorksj.ac.uk

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