Alternative Education

Alternative educations are ways of providing learning that are different from the current schooling system.  This alternative system will be state funded and will be regulated privately. The state will be responsible for providing all education and will be free at point of use. This alternative system will incorporate three key aims; Inclusivity; Democracy and individuality these aims are there to ‘unite all human abilities the head, hands, heart and soul’ (Buckles 2018, p.146). This system will ensure a positive start in life for all children and will aim to promote positive health and wellbeing (Department for education 2019a), through free choice (Montessori 1949) and democracy (Neill 1967). The system will be split into two parts compulsory schooling and compulsory education. The compulsory education system will run from ages 3-18 years old. Tertiary education will follow on from this. Teaching will happen within an institution and home schooling will not be allowed (Lubienski 2000).