Will it work?

The current system is a means to an end in terms of learning and the alternative system presented aims to make learning an end in itself (O’Brien 2009)Learners can suggest topics of interest to them (Dultz 1999). In the current education system schooling is the only accepted way for children to be educated. However, in the alternative system there will be different forms of education accessible to all students (Idol 1997). There will be forest schools (O’Brien 2009), apprenticeships and online learning all different forms of being educated away from the normal school setting.  The tertiary section of the alternative system question whether institutions are necessary for education to take place. This leads us to establish that schooling and education are not the sameHowever, while schooling and education are not the same having institutions is practical. The alternative system offers different approaches to schooling which are inclusive, individualised and democratic.