Raising Awareness of Infant Loss – was an arts activism movement created by 3 university students. The activisms main agenda was giving women who have experienced any type of infant loss a voice. They could either remain anonymous through our online survey or personally visit our activists during our created event. The event organised and created by us 3 university students took place in the York city centre in a free community created space. Individuals were invited to join in our craftivism. During an open discussion our activists and members of the public could sew small hearts onto the giant fabric infant loss logo. Together we shared stories, the pain, the process of healing and finding hope. The outcome resulted in a physical piece of representative work. As this craftivism focused on extremely sensitive topics our group had to vast research on how to construct and execute this event. The online survey collector remained anonymous and allowed anyone to share their stories. This area of research gathering gathered over 20 anonymous stories for our craftivism project. This project allowed us to educate and share local services available for anyone effected. We made a temporary partnership with a local infant loss service which provides free counselling services for those effected in York. They provided our craftivism event with leaflets and posters, further details for other services and gave us advice and training on how to work with individuals and how to best help them through their pain.