Reflex Dance Troupe – Kinetix

Reflex Dance Troupe, Kinetix – being an active dance member of this voluntary community troupe, competing in all categories: solo dancing, pairs, rock and roll pairs, team dance, trio’s, and troupe dances. I also assisted in choreographing other individuals solo, pairs and rock and roll routines. I then had the responsibility of managing my own young team of 9 or 10 first time dancers below the age of 11. This involved me directing, choreographing, taking payments, costume design, make – up design, dance skill refining, solo teaching, communicating with parents, and working to a deadline. I created a competitive dance with the theme of Alice in wonderland. The team dance routine involved physical gymnastic lifts and throwing individuals into the air. This required me making sure the dancers were safe while executing these activities. To develop these first-time dancers, I organised sessions where more experienced dancers within the troupe visited our sessions and danced alongside the newbies. This created relationships within the troupe, as well as develop their dancing skills and confidence.