About Me

Hey my name is Sean, I am currently studying Media Production: Film and TV!

I have for the longest time had a passion for script writing, it’s something that allows me to express myself and get these ideas that I have out there. My mind never seems to rest as it is constantly comes up with ideas at all hours of the day. I scribble these ideas down on whatever I have available to me in that moment, so I have many pieces of paper scattered about the place which if others discovered would look like mad mans ramblings I’m sure. I enjoy turning these little ideas and musings into full blown products, seeing the idea I had change and evolve over time, it’s always satisfying seeing the final product of a little thought I had.

I love all things Film and TV, I have amassed quite the film collection over my time of being alive. I also enjoy others forms of media through video games which I would also love to create scripts for.