Female Characters In TV

As someone who watches a lot of TV shows that have strong female characters as the lead, I was quite surprised when I learned that females are extremely underrepresented both behind the camera and in front of it. But when I really thought about it, most of the shows I watch with female leads are rather old, both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Xena Warrior Princess began in the 1990’s and finished by 2003. Then when thinking about it some more, I hadn’t really heard of many big shows in today’s day and age that had strong female leads

After acquiring this knowledge I wanted to have a look into whether normal everyday people were watching TV shows that had female characters as the main lead, if they weren’t was there any particular reason for that etc. and if they felt the industry was lacking in strong female leads as a whole.

I feel as an industry there have been improvements in 2017 and some steps towards having more female leads have begun. As stated by Charley in the interview, big blockbuster films such as Wonder Woman have arrived and shown that woman can be a strong badass just like any man could be. Although we still have a ways to go before we really get equality in the entertainment industry and then even further to go before we see diversity with leading females.

Now how do you feel on the subject? Do you feel there is a lack? Would you like to see a lot more females in leading roles that apparently “only men” can do? How many TV shows could you list that had females as the leading role?