Text us what you think about texting!

Do you ever wonder how much of the lecture students are taking in while on their mobile devices? What are we to make of their conspicuous use of technology in the classroom? Our Critical Thinking session with Business Management first years explored these issues interactively through the use of Textwall – and the irony wasn’t lost on the students! They were shown 4 different statements, from different sources and perspectives, on the use of mobile devices in the classroom, and were invited to respond by texting or messaging their comments to Textwall, so that the whole group could see them and respond. Students emphatically believed that mobile devices in class do not hinder their learning, and several claimed that they are using their smartphone to look up definitions and further information on the lecture’s topic. Many valued the use of technology-enhanced learning, which blends in seamlessly with their preferred communication methods. Several believed that they can effectively multi-task, contrary to expert opinion. The lively discussion certainly got students thinking critically, and overall seemed to confirm Baker at al’s finding that ‘students perceived electronic devices to be more appropriate, and less disruptive, than faculty members [do]’ (2012: 288).

Reference: Baker, W.M., Lusk, E.J. and Neuhauser, K. (2012) On the Use of Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices in the Classroom: Evidence from a Survey of Faculty and Students. Journal of Education for Business, 87, pp. 275-289.


Cecile is Study Development Tutor at YSJ, delivering study skills workshops across the university, and offering 1-to-1 tutorials to students wishing to develop their academic skills.

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